Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Fat Trap

Published: December 28, 2011
In the battle to lose weight, and keep it off, our bodies are fighting against us.

This is one of the best articles I have seen that examines the difficulty overweight individuals face in their quest for thinner bodies.

Patterns: Less Salt Isn’t Always Better for the Heart

Published: November 28, 2011
A study of 28,880 people showed that people who consumed too little sodium were at greater risk for heart problems than people who took in a moderate amount. But too little sodium was almost as bad as too much. Compared with those who excreted 4 to 6 grams of sodium daily, people who excreted 2 to 3 grams were at 19 percent greater risk for death from a cardiovascular event, and the less they consumed the greater their risk.

It Could Be Old Age, or It Could Be Low B12

Published: November 28, 2011
Low levels of the essential vitamin can bring on symptoms including muscle weakness, fatigue, shakiness, unsteady gait, incontinence, low blood pressure and depression.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Serving of Gratitude May Save the Day

A Serving of Gratitude May Save the Day


Published: November 21, 2011
A new series of experiments and studies shows, for the first time, that the feeling of gratitude is linked to lower rates of aggression.

A Watch-and-Wait Prostate Treatment

Published: November 14, 2011
A doctor has proposed the least invasive approach for most men with early-stage cancers that are not particularly aggressive.

In Body’s Shield Against Cancer, a Culprit in Aging May Lurk

Published: November 21, 2011
Senescent cells seem to be a benign by-product of the body’s defense against cancer, but researchers are growing suspicious of their culpability in aging.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

When We See What We Want

Head Case: Jonah Lehrer

In 1981, Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould published "The Mismeasure of Man," a fierce critique of various scientific attempts to measure human intelligence. Mr. Gould began the book with a takedown of "craniometry," a popular 19th-century technique that attempted to find correlations between skull volume and intellect.

Getty Images

Even scientific measurements can be thrown off by our preconceived notions.

His harshest criticisms were directed at Samuel Morton, an American physician who became famous for demonstrating, in 1839, that different human races had different skull sizes. This led many of Morton's contemporaries to conclude that intelligence was a racial trait and that some races were inherently smarter than others.

Needless to say, Mr. Gould, who died in 2002, despised Morton's racist ideology. But he went further than that, delving into Morton's raw data to show that his beliefs had warped his science. Because Morton knew what he wanted to find—that whites had the biggest heads—he ended up mismeasuring the skulls of his subjects.

Before long, Morton became a case study in scientific bias, a warning to researchers that their preconceived notions can dramatically influence what they discover. Although Morton considered himself objective, he was a shoddy observer, blinded by his own beliefs.

Or so we thought. A new study by a team of anthropologists led by Jason Lewis of Stanford has reanalyzed Morton's data, measuring more than 300 of the skulls used in the original research. To their surprise, the anthropologists discovered that the overwhelming majority of Morton's skull data was accurate. Although they strongly criticize Morton's racial theories, and note that variations in skull size are largely determined by climate (not by genetics or innate intelligence), they conclude that he did not fudge the facts.

How, then, did Mr. Gould come to his harsh conclusion? According to the anthropologists, Mr. Gould was guilty of the very same flaw he saw in Morton. By reanalyzing Mr. Gould's own analysis, they demonstrate that he cherry-picked data sets, misused statistics and ignored inconvenient samples. As the scientists note, "Ironically, Gould's own analysis of Morton is likely the stronger example of a bias influencing results."

The larger lesson of the Gould-Morton affair is that bias is everywhere, that many of our studies are shot through with unconscious errors and subtle prejudices. To Paul Simon, we see what we want to see and disregard the rest.

In recent years, it's become clearer that these psychological shortcomings are a serious societal problem. Because we believe we're impervious to bias—we're blind to our own blind spots—we assume that our judgment isn't affected by financial incentives or personal opinions. But we're wrong.

This problem has been most convincingly demonstrated in medical clinical trials. A 2005 study of psychiatric drug trials found that when academic researchers were funded by a drug company, they were nearly five times as likely to report that the treatment was effective. (A similar pattern was found with oncology drugs.) What makes this result so disturbing is that all of these studies were randomized, double-blind trials, which are typically regarded as the gold standard of medical evidence. And yet the financial incentives seemed to decisively influence the data.

Sometimes, even small amounts of money can have big consequences, shaping our views of the evidence. A 1994 study of physicians who requested that drugs be added to the list of approved hospital medications showed that they were far more likely to have accepted free meals or travel funds from drug makers. Other studies have found that the rate of drug prescriptions spikes after doctors meet with a pharmaceutical sales representative, especially when the representatives are bearing gifts.

Such biases don't just influence scientists and doctors. A 2003 study by economists at Carnegie Mellon and Harvard looked at how "independent" auditors are biased by their relationships with clients. (In most instances, auditors are hired and fired by the firms they are supposed to investigate.) The economists found that professional auditors were significantly more likely to approve of questionable accounting practices when they were done by the firm paying their bills.

What this depressing research demonstrates is that the only way to get objective data is to have institutions that assume objectivity doesn't exist. It's not enough to force scientists and doctors to declare conflicts of interest, because our biases seep in anyway. Rather, we need to do a better job of funding truly independent studies and approaching with extra skepticism those that are not. We should also encourage researchers to make their raw data public, as Samuel Morton did, so that others can check it. As Stephen Jay Gould proved all too well, men are inveterate mismeasurers.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Strawberries Fight Cancer, Study Finds

Researchers found that freeze-dried strawberries slowed the growth of dysplastic, or precancerous, lesions in about 30 people who consumed the fruit for six months.

Can Needles Soothe Wounded Warriors?

Military doctors in Afghanistan are using acupuncture to treat brain injuries, with promising results.

Out Front in the Fight on Fat

Bigger the Belly, the Bigger the Risk

Extra-Large Waistlines Carry a Greater Chance of Having a Heart Attack; 'Fat Is Not Created Equal'

The report also raises the possibility that people can be overweight without significantly raising their heart risk, so long as they carry the extra fat in places other than their belly. In fact, a few extra pounds may even lower the risk of death from heart disease, researchers found.

Eighty Years Along, a Longevity Study Still Has Ground to Cover

Published: April 18, 2011
Researchers find conscientiousness might be the key to a long life.

My Unhealthy Diet? It Got Me This Far

Published: February 28, 2011
Constantly badgered by doctors, family and friends to adopt a healthier approach, older gourmands chow down anyway.

Once a Villain, Coconut Oil Charms the Health Food World

After gaining a bad reputation at theater concession stands in the ’90s, coconut oil is back.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Look Who’s Meditating Now

Published: March 18, 2011
Interest in Transcendental Meditation is spiking, with the help of celebrities.

Government Says 2 Common Materials Pose Risk of Cancer

Published: June 10, 2011
Government scientists listed formaldehyde as a carcinogen and said styrene may cause cancer, but the main threat is to workers in manufacturing.