Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Is There an Optimal Diet for Humans?

A study of modern hunter-gatherer groups found that they exhibit generally excellent metabolic health while consuming a wide range of diets.

 Nutrition experts have long debated whether there is an optimal diet that humans evolved to eat. But a study published this month adds a twist. It found that there is likely no single natural diet that is best for human health.

1 comment:

N. Bonica said...

The take home message from this article is have a varied diet of healthy foods and stay active throughout the day.

This is a great article that people on Keto, Paleo, Whole30 need to read because these diets are very limited in their versatility of foods. Its not a single macronutrient that makes a healthy diet, but rather the balance of macronutrients to provide enough energy and nutrients.

According to the article, hunter-gather communities are extremely active. What we need to do is start moving more throughout the day . . . go for a walk on your lunch break and exercise more